
Theft and fraud charges are more common in San Francisco and the Bay Area than many people realize. Many types of crimes exist within this sector, from simple shoplifting charges to white collar crimes and many in between. If you take property that is not yours without permission of the respected owner, you are guilty of a crime.

Some of the most common types of theft and fraud related charges faced by individuals in California include:

  • Shoplifting: The act of shoplifting takes place when an individual knowingly takes something with a value of under $950 for a retail store.
  • Grand Theft Auto: Grand Theft Auto is a crime occurring when theft of property with a value greater than $950 takes place.
  • Identity Theft: Posing as another person, either by using their credit or debit card, social security number of other means, is a crime.
  • Embezzlement: This crime occurs when you take property that someone has entrusted to you by another person.
  • Forgery: Forgery is the act of creating or altering a document that ultimately deprives the individual of their rightful property.

Punishment for conviction of one of the crimes listed above, or any other falling into the category of theft or fraud, can be quite severe, depending on the actual crime that you have committed. Potential penalties for conviction include fines, time in jail or prison, probation, and a name that is tarnished forever.

Won’t you allow Geller Law to protect you in this critical time in your life? With a competent and experience criminal lawyer, you’ll never face the judge alone. Instead, you’ll have the best defense to present to the courts, and a lawyer who helps you every step of the way. Having a lawyer there to represent you in court can change your life, and this time for the better.